Palm Springs Unified, 2 Day Workshop, "Creating a UDL Classroom with EduProtocols" and "Leveraging AI to Create a UDL Environment," January 2024
Palm Springs Unified, 2 Day Workshop, "Leveraging AI to Create a UDL Environment," March 2024
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Storytelling Done Digitally," June 23 8:30-11:00 AM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Weaving Cultural Threads: Storytelling for Inclusive Learning" and Book Signing, June 23, 12:00 - 1:30 PM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Cultivating Creativity and Lifting Student Voices," June 23, 2:00-3:00 PM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Sound Pedagogy: Crafting and Curating Podcasts for Personal Growth," June 24, 10:30-11:30 AM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Leveraging AI to Create a Universally Designed Classroom," June 24, 3:00-4:00 PM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Be You: Building Belonging Through Storytelling," June 25, 4:30-5:30 PM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Reel Learning: Storytelling Across Grade Levels" (Booth #2200), 10:00-10:30 AM
ISTELive 24 (Denver), "Rethinking Lesson Design with Moviemaking in Mind," and Book Signing (Booth #2200), 1:45-2:30 PM
WeVideo Summer PD Palooza 2024, "Reel Learning: Storytelling Across Grade Levels," Live Online Broadcast, Time TBA
2023 Speaking Engagements
Palm Springs Unified, 2 Day Workshop, "Ready for Your Close Up? UDL and Moviemaking" on January 4-5 (Cohort 1) and February 25th & March 11th (Cohort 2).
Teachers Love EDU (Webinar), "Meaningful Integration of Moviemaking," March 12th.
CUE23 (Palm Springs), "Moviemaking Mini Lessons for More Creative Communicators," March 16th.
CUE23 (Palm Springs), WeVideo Booth Sessions, March 17-18.
Palm Springs Unified, 2 Day EduProtocols Workshop, "EduProtocols and UDL" on April 13-14.
ISTELive 23 (Philadelphia), "UDL and Moviemaking" on June 26, from 9:00-10:30 AM.
ISTELive 23 (Philadelphia), "Moviemaking Mini Lessons for More Creative Communicators" on June 26, from 1:00-2:00 PM.
ISTE23Live 23 (Philadelphia), Meet the ISTE Authors at ISTE Central, on June 26 from 3:30-5:00 PM.
ISTELive 23 (Philadelphia), "Culturally Relevant Moviemaking" on June 27 from 2:30-3:30 PM.
WeVideo Summer PD Palooza (Webinar), "Why Moviemaking Matters" and "Brain Science of Moviemaking" July 2023
2022 Speaking Engagements
ADK, Palm Springs Chapter, "Lifting Student Voices" on February 7th
CUE22 (Palm Springs), "Storytelling for All: Equity and Social Emotional Learning Through Moviemaking"
ISTE22 (New Orleans), "Storytelling for All: Equity and Social Emotional Learning Through Moviemaking" on June 27, 5:00-6:00PM
ISTE22 (New Orleans), "Contents Under Pressure: Using Digital Storytelling and SODAS Frame to Address SEL" on June 27, 2:00-3:00PM
Desert Sands Unified School District, 3 Day Workshop, "Storytelling for All: Equity and SEL through Advanced Moviemaking" on August 3-5th
ISTE Expert Webinar (Virtual), "Meaningful Integration of Moviemaking" on August 10, 10:00 AM PST
WeVideo Webinar (Virtual), "Why Stories Matter and How to Create Them" on September 27th, 4:00 PM PST
ISTE CCL (Virtual), "Moviemaking Mini Lessons for More Creative Communicators" on October 15th, 9:55-10:45 AM PST
California Science Educators Conference (Palm Springs), "Storytelling Saves the World: Moviemaking as Assessment" on October 15th, 1:00-2:30 PM
California Mathematics Council South Annual Conference (Palm Springs), "Are You Ready for Your Close Up? Moviemaking as Assessment" on November 5th, 10:30 - 12:00 PM
2021 Speaking Engagements
CUE21, "Storytelling Saves the World" on March 23, at 5:00PM PST
CUE21, "Rethink Lesson Planning with Moviemaking in Mind' on March 27 at 4:00PM PST
ISTELive 21, "Learning Unleashed Live: ISTE Authors on SEL and Equity" on June 27 at 9:20AM PST
ISTELive 21, Digital Storytelling Playground, June 27 at 1:00PM PST
ISTELive 21, "Storytelling Saves the World" on June 28 at 1:15PM PST
ISTELive 21, ISTE Central: "Creating Artifacts of Learning Through Moviemaking" on June 28 at 2:15PM PST
ISTELive 21, "Film Festival in a Box" on June 30 at 9:30AM PST
Arizona Department of Education, "Lifting Student Voices" on July 15
ISTE CCL21, "Storytelling Through Moviemaking: Lifting Student Voices" on October 16th at 10:00AM PST
ISTE CCL21, Digital Storytelling Playground, 3 Sessions, on October 16th at 12:30PM PST.
California Department of Education, STEAM Symposium, on October 21 at 4:30PM PST.
Keynotes Available:
Lifting Student Voices
Finding Your Visionary Passion
Workshops Available:
Creating a UDL Classroom Using Moviemaking
Creativity and Lifting Student Voices
Artificial Intelligence to Create a Universally Designed Learning Environment
Storytelling Saves the World
Can Storytelling Save the World? Removing Barriers from Storytelling
Rethink Lesson Design with Moviemaking in Mind
Introduction to Digital Storytelling Through Moviemaking
Quest-Based Learning and Blended Learning Environments
Any presentation or keynote can be adapted for specific audiences or content areas. Particular expertise in English and Social Studies.