Digital Storytelling
Academic movie-making is an important skills students need in order to be digitally literate. After making movies with my students for the last six years, I've got a few tips and tricks up my sleeve.
Integrating Film in the Curriculum:I am passionate about integrating film-making in the curriculum, and have been doing so in my classroom for the last 13 years. I regularly present on digital storytelling in both regional and national venues.
My Vimeo Channel: Room 208Over the last 13 years, my students have made some truly incredible movies. Whether demonstrating their mastery of standards in Language Arts, or telling digital stories in my Video Production class, students are instantly engaged by the movie-making process. Check out my YouTube channel to see some of the best.
Excerpt from my interview on "TGIF Networking Business Hour" about Digital Storytelling:Go to: Packwoman's Film ChallengesUnleash student creativity by issuing your students a film challenge. Go to my website to learn about how to give film challenges and how to manage students during a challenge, then help yourself pre-made challenges I've written for you to use with your students.
Explore 3 Point Lighting Using the SimulatorUse celtx for Online ScreenwritingGo: Suspense Film ChallengeHow do you structure digital storytelling?The following download contains production checklists, critique forms, storyboard template, and scripting activities.
What makes an effective iMovie project?The following download contains a set of iMovie criterion to summarize what makes an effective iMovie project. I use this in conjunction with the checklists in the previous document.
Need Resources?Whether you're just beginning to explore digital storytelling with your students, or if you're an old pro seeking new methods, feel free to download some of these resources. Get an inside look at how I structure digital storytelling units, print blackline masters that are appropriate for both elementary and secondary students, utilize technology-based mini lessons, and get project ideas. You can even download my original iBook from iTunes or subscribe to my iTunes U course.
Download My iBook from iTunes: Digital Storytelling |